News & Analysis

July 26, 2018
News & Insights

Q: If an employee of our facility is seen for a routine vaccine, is it permissible for the nurse to review the patient history?

July 26, 2018
News & Insights

CMS’ 2019 OPPS proposed rule continues the agency’s efforts to enforce site-neutral payments and reduce drug payments by introducing policies to reduce reimbursement for hospital outpatient clinic visits at off-campus, provider-based departments (PBD) and expanding last year’s payment reductions for drugs purchased under the 340B discount pricing program by nonexcepted PBDs.

July 26, 2018
Medicare Insider

This week's note from the instructor reviews ways to stay compliant when billing for infusions and what role the revenue cycle leadership can play in overseeing the billing process for these services. 

July 25, 2018
News & Insights

CMS would use the proposed modifiers to implement a 15% payment reduction starting in 2022 for services provided in whole or in part by physical therapy assistants (PTA) and occupational therapy assistants (OTA).

July 25, 2018
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include three new additions to the OIG work plan, a transmittal regarding new CLIA waived tests, an update to the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual related to acute kidney injury, and more!   

July 25, 2018
News & Insights

What can case managers do to advocate for patients who are in need of financial assistance?
