CMS did not propose any new comprehensive APCs (C-APC) last year, taking a rare year off, but it did introduced three new C-APCs in the 2019 OPPS proposed rule, released in late July.
Your organization does not have to look far to see how important it is for your business associates (BA) to comply with HIPAA. Take a glance at the OCR website for breaches involving 500 or more patients. BAs are regularly involved in these breaches along with covered entities (CE). However, the bad press almost always goes to the CEs.
A case manager on a busy medical-surgical unit is facing an end-of-life case. The patient is an immigrant from Chile with limited Medicaid. As the hospital stay continues and his clinical condition worsens, it becomes clear that he has little time left. How can the case manager work with the patient and family to fulfill the patient’s end-of-life wishes?
Boys Town National Research Hospital, in Omaha, Nebraska, announced July 20 that it had discovered a data security incident that may have affected the personal health information of 105,309 individuals.