We've compiled the most popular questions and answers from the past year in the area of HIPAA compliance and healthcare data security. Below are the top five questions and answers, featuring insights from experts Rebecca Herold, CDPSE, FIP, CISSP, CIPM, CIPP/US, CIPT, CISM, CISA, FLMI, CEO of Privacy & Security Brainiacs SaaS services, and Julia Huddleston, CIPP/US, CIPM, CCSFP, a principal from Apgar & Associates.
Our experts answer questions about reporting total knee arthroplasty in CPT, medically unlikely edits adjudication indicators, and coding for anticoagulation management visits.
Our experts answer questions about ICD-10-CM coding for diabetic patients with hyperglycemia, CPT documentation requirements for wound sizing, and more.