News & Analysis

October 1, 2017
Briefings on APCs

The new ICD-10-CM codes for FY 2018, effective October 1, represent significant changes in some hospital documentation and coding practices. 

September 29, 2017
Case Management Monthly

In recent years, the U.S. healthcare system has begun a shift from a volume-based to a value-based system, causing the role of many case managers to evolve. So what does this role look like, and how can your organization get there?

September 28, 2017
Medicare Insider

This week's note reviews a recent Office of Inspector General report that found a 100% failure rate among reviewed claims. 

September 27, 2017
HIM Briefings

Many HIM directors and coding managers say it takes all three to recruit high-quality, experienced medical record coders post-ICD-10. While coder shortages are nowhere near what they were in ICD-9, new challenges have emerged for HIM staffing.

September 27, 2017
HIM Briefings

This month's Q&A answers readers' questions on patient record access and more.

September 26, 2017
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include an OPPS update; guidance on coding and billing date of service on professional claims; CMS’ efforts to support Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands in the wake of Hurricane Maria; and more!
