News & Analysis

September 26, 2017
Medicare Web

The Office of Inspector General recently reviewed $51.6 million in Medicare Part B payments to acute care hospitals only to find that Medicare did not appropriately pay the hospitals for any of the reviewed outpatient services. In addition, beneficiaries were charged with $14.4 million in unnecessary deductibles and coinsurances for the hospital outpatient services.

September 26, 2017
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include an OPPS update; guidance on coding and billing date of service on professional claims; CMS’ efforts to support Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands in the wake of Hurricane Maria; and more!

September 25, 2017
Briefings on HIPAA

This month's HIPAA Q&A answers readers' questions about incidental disclosures, providing the Notice of Privacy Practices, and more.

September 25, 2017
Medicare Web

The fiscal year (FY) 2018 IPPS final rule included updates to payment rates and quality initiatives, as well as an ample amount of code changes and updates to ICD-10-PCS non-operating room (OR) to OR code designations.

September 25, 2017
Medicare Web

How can we help ensure all hospital departments involved in payer contracting are on the same page and understand the terms?

September 25, 2017
Briefings on HIPAA

Tips from this month's issue.
