News & Analysis

July 1, 2012
Briefings on HIPAA

Learn how to protect privacy and security when participating in a health information exchange.

July 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

For HIM professionals who took our annual salary survey, it's been a "Yes, but …" kind of year.

July 1, 2012
Briefings on APCs

To correctly assign codes for any surgical procedure, coders need to have an operative (OP) report. But simply having the OP report isn't enough. Coders also must be able to read the report and pick out the important information.

July 1, 2012
Briefings on APCs

A physician can debride a wound to remove dead, damaged, or infected tissue so the remaining healthy tissue can better heal. Coders need to look for specific information in the documentation of wound debridement.

July 1, 2012
Briefings on APCs

Pain is an expected component of injuries, illnesses, and surgical procedures. Let's face it, breaking your leg hurts. In some instances, however, the patient's pain is unexpected or is worse than predicted. Sometimes, the pain can last well beyond the time it should have resolved.

July 1, 2012
Briefings on APCs

Our coding experts answer your questions about correct use of modifier –PD, coding infusions to correct low potassium levels, payment for HCPCS code J2354, appropriate reporting of IV push followed by infusion of the same drug, and the difference between modifiers –AS and -80.
