News & Analysis

April 1, 2013
HIM Briefings

If the October 1, 2014, implementation date for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS is not altered by the time this is published, there will be 18 months left until the transition.

April 1, 2013
Case Management Monthly

It is an ongoing challenge for case managers to ­determine whether a patient is more ­appropriately placed as an inpatient or in observation. Below are some real-life examples provided by Deborah Hale, CCS, CCDS, in the HCPro book ­Observation Services: A Guide to ­Compliant Level of Care Determinations.

April 1, 2013
Briefings on APCs

Editor's note: Facilities need to address coding, payment, and coverage issues for molecular pathology. This article is the first in a series and discusses molecular pathology coding.

April 1, 2013
Briefings on APCs

CMS is making a significant change to the Medically Unlikely Edits (MUE) by changing some of them from line-item edits to date-of-service (DOS) edits, effective April 1.

April 1, 2013
Strategies for Healthcare Compliance

There has been some confusion surrounding a possible Recovery Auditor-related provision in the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, also known as the fiscal cliff deal.

April 1, 2013
Briefings on APCs

Our experts answer questions about, modifier -25, cardioversion performed during an ED code, denials for multiple port film line items, and procedure discontinued after administration of anesthesia.


