News & Analysis

March 1, 2014
Briefings on APCs


When an NCCI edit occurs on a claim, providers can go directly to CMS’ website and download the latest edits to pinpoint why the edit occurred and what codes may be conflicting.


March 1, 2014
Briefings on APCs


Although the AMA changed hundreds of codes in the 2014 CPT® Manual, most of the changes took place in the surrounding text.


March 1, 2014
Briefings on APCs


Coders are aware that ICD-10-CM will allow much more specificity than ICD-9-CM, and that is very evident in the section covering injuries to the wrist, hand, and fingers (S60–S69).


March 1, 2014
Briefings on APCs

How does CPT® define “final examination” for code 99238 (hospital discharge day management; 30 minutes or less

March 1, 2014
Briefings on APCs


CMS has been making it clear over the years that packaging would become a larger and larger part of OPPS, and in calendar year (CY) 2014 CMS made good on this.


February 11, 2014
Medicare Insider

We are four months into the new fiscal year and the Office of Inspector General (OIG) has finally released its highly anticipated Work Plan. Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.
