News & Analysis

November 14, 2017
Medicare Web

CMS announced partial settlement agreements and instructions for Medicare Administrative Contractors in relation to several 2-midnight rule cases.

November 13, 2017
Briefings on HIPAA

Too often, organizations fall for common HIPAA myths and erroneously incorporate them into otherwise sound, good-faith compliance efforts. That can lead to wasted time and resources, duplicative work, or even outright noncompliance.

November 13, 2017
Medicare Web

A Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) study showed insufficient documentation causes most improper payments for arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs, according to the October 2017 Medicare Quarterly Compliance Newsletter.

November 13, 2017
Medicare Web

How should facilities approach claim edits that must be made across departments, such as imaging and surgery?

November 10, 2017
Case Management Monthly

Sometimes it’s the condition of the caregiver, not the patient, that prompts a visit to the emergency department (ED). According to a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, this problem is not only resulting in unnecessary ED visits, but in higher costs.

November 10, 2017
Medicare Web

Alert fatigue defeats the purpose of EHR medication alerts, according to a recent study that looked at how often medication-related clinical decision alerts were overridden, the reasons given for the overrides, and how appropriate the reasons were.
