Q&A: Rural health clinic all-inclusive rate payments

March 19, 2018
News & Insights

Q. Can rural health clinics receive more than one all-inclusive rate (AIR) payment per patient per day?

A. Generally, an RHC can receive only one AIR payment per patient per day; however, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if an IPPE visit is furnished on the same day as another medical visit and/or mental health visit, the IPPE is billed on a separate line in addition to the other qualifying visit(s) and will also receive a separate AIR, while the patient’s deductible and coinsurance are waived (Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 13, §220.1; Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 9, §70.6).

For more information on RHC billing and compliance, join Debbie Mackaman, RHIA, CPCO, CCDS, at 12 p.m. (Eastern) Thursday, March 29, for the three-hour RHC virtual workshop or see The Essential Rural Health Clinic Billing and Management Guide.

Need expert advice? Email your questions for consideration in the Revenue Cycle Daily Advisor. Note: We do not guarantee that all questions will be answered.