News & Analysis

December 15, 2017
Medicare Web

Although most physicians have experienced a cyberattack, they still value the ability to share electronic protected health information, according to an American Medical Association report released December 11.

December 15, 2017
Case Management Monthly

The comprehensive population health program at Northern Arizona Healthcare in Flagstaff didn’t come together overnight. Rather, it evolved over time, relying on trial and error to fill the care gaps that so often result in avoidable hospital readmissions.

December 14, 2017
Medicare Insider

This week’s note details the approach chargemaster coordinators should take when conducting annual in-depth reviews with revenue departments.

December 14, 2017
Medicare Web

Q: We see many assertions that encryption at the right level meets the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)/HIPAA safe harbor provision with no explanation of what is necessary to prove the breached electronic protected health information (PHI) was actually encrypted at the moment of breach. How can a covered entity prove the PHI was actually encrypted at the time of the breach?

December 13, 2017
Medicare Web

How can case managers work to identify patients with low health literacy?

December 13, 2017
HIM Briefings

Documentation and coding based on time requires knowledge about the general principles of E/M documentation, common sets of codes used to bill for E/M services, and E/M services providers.
