On January 8, CMS released MLN Matters SE19002 on status determinations for total knee arthroplasty, which included guidance on how to determine proper status for patients undergoing the procedure, but CMS quickly rescinded it and announced that it is making revisions and will reissue it in the near future.
Q: Our facility is used to reporting modifier -59 (distinct procedural service), but we're not sure when modifier -XE (separate encounter, a service that is distinct because it occurred during a separate encounter) would be appropriate instead. Could you provide an example?
This week's note from the instructor discusses recent guidance from CMS on how to handle the removal of TKAs from the inpatient-only list and the 2 midnight rule.
Experts Richard Pinson, MD, FACP, CCS, and Cynthia Tang, RHIA, CCS review the recently published “Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM) Criteria for the Diagnosis of Malnutrition: A Consensus Report From the Global Clinical Nutrition Community” and help coders apply this criteria in ICD-10-CM.