This week's note from the instructor is the first in a two-part series that discusses the intricacies of Medicare's inpatient hospital lifetime reserve days benefit and the challenges associated with it.
Q: My child’s school requires parents to send a doctor’s note when a student is out sick for more than two days. After providing this note for my child, their teacher spoke to me and mentioned information she could only have learned if she had read the note. Is this a HIPAA violation? Are schools covered by HIPAA if they request doctor's notes?
This week’s Medicare updates include a transmittal implementing the new skilled nursing facility payment model, the introduction of a new app displaying Medicare coverage information, a transmittal about updates to provider enrollment policies, and more!
Geriatric patients with frequent emergency department (ED) use are more likely to have comorbidities, be admitted or transferred, and visit three or more hospitals in a year than less frequent ED users, a recently published study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine found.