My understanding is that under the 2-midnight rule CAHs cannot go past two midnights of observation care if the patient has Medicare as a payer. Is that correct?
The Social Security Act allows CAHs and other small rural hospitals to enter into “swing bed” agreements with CMS. Under these arrangements, in addition to providing acute inpatient services, such hospitals are permitted to provide extended care services that would normally be furnished in a skilled nursing facility (SNF). When provided under a swing bed arrangement, SNF extended care services are referred to as “swing bed” services. In a swing bed hospital, an inpatient bed may actually swing from one level of care to another (e.g., acute to swing or swing to acute), depending upon a particular patient’s need.
This week’s updates include Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Recertification Checklist for evaluation of compliance with the location and distance requirements; core quality measures collaborative release; and more!
Medicare continually seeks to expand access to certain basic health care services, particularly for beneficiaries located in remote areas of the country.
This week’s updates include updates to clarify inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) claims processing; a revised hospital guidance for pharmaceutical services and expanded guidance related to compounding of medications; and more!