Accountable care organizations (ACO) avoid downside risk contracts even though the number of ACO contracts and ACOs with multiple contracts have grown, according to a recent study. The study authors suggest that stronger incentives to take on downside risk are necessary to ensure the success of the ACO model.
Before starting an ambulatory or outpatient CDI program, those tasked with the project must first create some universal definitions so everyone is on the same page and speaking the same language.
Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, Maryland, will pay $3,154,000 to settle allegations that it submitted false claims to Medicare for medically unnecessary evaluation and management services and separately billing bundled procedures
CMS recently released two quarterly updates effective July 1: Medicare Claims Processing Transmittal 4313, which is the July update to the OPPS, and Medicare Claims Processing Transmittal 4314, which is the related July update to the Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) Specifications, Attachment B.
Most proposed solutions to surprise medical bills will negatively affect provider organizations, according to a Moody’s Investors Report released June 20. However, even in the absence of a solution, the growing awareness of the scope and impact of surprise medical bills will harm providers’ relationships with patients.
The Revenue Integrity Symposium is filled with so much information that applies to all levels of revenue integrity from those of us in the trenches to management. It will be my third year attending and I’m still finding new sessions to attend. And the networking is amazing!
The CDC has posted the FY2020 ICD-CM final code changes, and there were no changes to the proposed list of 273 new, 30 revised and 21 invalidated codes that were released in the proposed inpatient hospital prospective payment system rule, April 23.