Effective management of claim edits and denials is a cornerstone of a sound revenue cycle. See how your organization compares to others and what you can do to improve.
Regular monitoring and internal auditing are critical to ensure compliance throughout the revenue cycle and protect revenue integrity. Consider the different strategies that can be applied to documentation and chart audits, coding audits, and more.
CMS is holding payments for claims submitted on or after April 1 in anticipation of legislation that will extend the suspension of a 2% cut (sequester) to all Medicare payments, according to a special edition of MLN Connects.
North Mississippi Medical Center (North Mississippi) submitted Medicare claims for polysomnography services that did not comply with Medicare billing requirements, resulting in an estimated $67,038 in overpayments for polysomnography services submitted over a two-year period, according to a recent Office of Inspector General (OIG) report.
The expansion of telehealth services and the flexibilities introduced through the Hospitals Without Walls waivers are a critical part of hospitals’ COVID-19 response, but the rules and how they interact with each other are often complex. Take a closer look at CMS’ guidelines and how they should be implemented.
The American Hospital Association (AHA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) urged Congress to act quickly to prevent an up to 4% reduction in Medicare spending in 2022.