This week’s Medicare updates include the July 2023 update to the Outpatient Prospective Payment System, educational materials on payment provisions for dental services, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include guidance on the COVID-19 public health emergency conclusion, the quarterly update to the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include an FAQ on the PHE conclusion, a fact sheet on hospital price transparency enforcement updates, HCPCS application summaries and coding recommendations, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include two additions to the OIG’s Work Plan, the publication of Medicare-certified hospice and home health agency ownership data, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include the FY 2024 Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System proposed rule, the FY 2024 Hospice Payment Rate Update proposed rule, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include an OIG featured topics page for hospice, revisions to the April 2023 OPPS update, clarification on how the national emergency differs from the PHE, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include an OIG review of payments for spinal facet-joint interventions, revisions to the April 2023 update to the ASC Payment System, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a correction to the Physician Fee Schedule regarding time thresholds for reporting code G0316, a fact sheet regarding billing procedures for Medicare beneficiaries with open Medicare Secondary Payer records, the quarterly update to the ambulatory surgical center payment system, and more!