January 4, 2017
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include corrections to the OPPS, ESRD, and 2017 Physician Fee Schedule final rules, a renewal of the Advisory Panel on Hospital Outpatient Payment and Solicitation of Nominations to the Advisory Panel on Hospital Outpatient Payment, and more!

December 28, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s note discusses the main front-end, middle, and back-end revenue cycle functions.

December 20, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s note discusses the 21st Century Cures Act Section 603 amendments and the effect of the Act on hospital locations.

December 6, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s note discusses the 2017 changes to chronic care management provided by rural health clinics.

November 30, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s note discusses updates to Medicare beneficiary cost sharing for 2017.

November 16, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s note from the instructor discusses changes found in the 2017 OPPS Final Rule.

November 9, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s note from the instructor discusses the 2017 OPPS final rule’s provisions for implementing Section 603 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, which requires an alternate payment system for certain off-campus provider-based services.

October 18, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s note from the instructor discusses CMS’ new Quality Payment Program.

October 12, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s note from the instructor discusses commonly asked questions about patient status.

August 3, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is about potential changes to provider-based billing in the OPPS proposed rule.
