This week’s Medicare updates include an advance notice of proposed rulemaking regarding changes to Part B drug pricing, an OIG review of billing for inpatient services, the release of skilled nursing facility quality reporting data, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a proposed rule on drug pricing transparency, an article on systemic validation edits for OPPS providers with multiple service locations, an update to the OIG Work Plan, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a new national coverage analysis for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, an article on CMS actions in Hurricane Michael relief efforts, the release of the 2019 Star Ratings for Medicare Advantage and Part D prescription drug plans, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include the Medicare Quarterly Provider Compliance Newsletter, the launch of a new eMedicare initiative, correction notices for the Inpatient Prospective Payment System and Skilled Nursing Facility Payment System final rules, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a new Medicare preventive services education tool, the September edition of the Patients over Paperwork newsletter, an OIG audit of Medicare Advantage’s appeal outcomes, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include information on special waivers to assist Medicare providers, suppliers, and beneficiaries impacted by Hurricane Florence; a proposed rule on changes to various Medicare requirements, Conditions of Participation, and Conditions of Coverage; a review of Medicare payments for clinical laboratory tests; and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include CMS’ support for Hurricane Florence preparation, ICD-10 and other coding revisions to national coverage determinations, quarterly HCPCS drug/biological code changes, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include an MLN Booklet on billing and payment policies for global surgery packages, a reminder on edit requirements for non-OPPS providers, new guidance on swing-bed requirements, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include the first annual report on the Next Generation Accountable Care Organization model, a Special Edition MLN Matters article on when to review opioid use with beneficiaries, the introduction of a new way for Part D plans to manage formulary designs and options, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include an application of a payment adjustment for IPPS low-volume hospitals, an OIG review which found 100% non-compliance with billing regulations for intensity-modulated radiation therapy planning services, a fact sheet on submitting data for MIPS through the claims data submission process, and more!