This week’s Medicare updates include a transmittal implementing the new skilled nursing facility payment model, the introduction of a new app displaying Medicare coverage information, a transmittal about updates to provider enrollment policies, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a new edition of the Medicare Quarterly Provider Compliance Newsletter, a lengthy series of provider compliance tip sheets, a transmittal regarding intensive cardiac rehabilitation coverage, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a Special Edition MLN Matters article on the removal of total knee arthroplasty from the inpatient-only list, manual changes related to functional reporting requirements and outpatient therapy caps, the April 2019 quarterly average sales price drug pricing files, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include four new additions to the OIG work plan; provider compliance tip sheets on tracheostomy supplies, ventilators, canes, and crutches; a national coverage analysis on acupuncture as a treatment for low back pain; and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a transmittal implementing quarterly updates to the DMEPOS competitive bidding program files, a transmittal implementing 14 newly waived CLIA tests, the quarterly update to the NCCI procedure-to-procedure edits, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include the January 2019 update of the Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System, new guidance on delivering immunosuppressive drugs to a different address, an update to the appeals prioritization process, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include an FAQ on the new price transparency rule for 2019, an update to the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual to include new payment policies for rural health clinics, a fact sheet on the Value-Based Purchasing Program for FY 2019, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a proposed rule regarding changes to the Medicare Advantage program regulations and Prescription Drug Benefit program, a review of hospital wage data to determine vulnerabilities in the hospital wage index system, the Fall 2018 semiannual report to Congress, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include new additions to the OIG Work Plan, transmittals on implementation of the End-Stage Renal Disease Prospective Payment System (PPS) and Home Health PPS, and a Special Edition MLN Matters article on waivers to assist with wildfire relief in California.
This week’s Medicare updates include final rules for the Outpatient Prospective Payment System, Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. End-Stage Renal Disease Prospective Payment System, and more!