This week’s Medicare updates include guidance for long-term care facilities on resident transfers during the COVID-19 pandemic, increased payment for certain COVID-19 tests, the FY 2021 inpatient rehab facility prospective payment system proposed rule, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include proposed rules for the inpatient psychiatric facility, skilled nursing facility, and hospice prospective payment systems; updated guidance on infection control for multiple provider types; additional waivers to relax regulatory requirements during the pandemic, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include revised guidance on billing for professional telehealth services during the public health emergency, updated provider-specific fact sheets on waivers and flexibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic, revised guidance on EMTALA compliance for COVID-19, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a new process for survey activities during the current public health emergency, the passage of the CARES Act, an FAQ on the OIG’s new telehealth policies, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include information on expanded telehealth benefits, a chart on contractor pricing for COVID-19 testing, recommendations on elective surgeries during the public health emergency, and more!
This week's Medicare updates include a plethora of information on COVID-19 coverage, payment, and infection control guidance; a new Part D savings model focused on lowering insulin costs; a final rule on interoperability and patient access; and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a variety of new information on coronavirus coding and billing, the quarterly update to the OPPS, and the quarterly update to the clinical laboratory fee schedule.
This week’s Medicare updates include an article on elements necessary to include on orders or prescriptions for certain DMEPOS items, an NCA on colorectal cancer blood-based biomarker tests, a change to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule database update file, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include four new items added to the OIG work plan, a new version of the integrated denial notice form, a transmittal implementing numerous regulatory revisions to the State Operations Manual, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include an article on billing and payment provisions for therapy services under PDGM, an update to the list of DMEPOS items that require prior authorization, a new code to use for coronavirus lab tests, and more!