This week’s Medicare updates include new information on reporting requirements for the Medicare ground ambulance data collection system, an EUA for a new type of monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID-19, details regarding an ESRD claims processing issue, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include notices on the delay of two final rules, updated provider fact sheets on COVID-19 PHE waivers and flexibilities, a note about payment for HCPCS code G2211, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a notice about reprocessing certain drug claims that were rejected in error, the latest version of the Medicare beneficiary COVID-19 data snapshot, a table on MAC pricing for COVID-19 testing, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include the CMS pandemic plan, a final rule on Medicare coverage of innovative technology, a final rule on prior authorization process improvements, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include payment adjustment information from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, revisions to information in the COVID-19 billing FAQ document, a notice of funding opportunity for development of radiology quality measures, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include three advisory opinions, billing information for Most Favored Nation model drugs, the January 2021 OPPS update, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include three new OIG work plan topics, updated payment and coding information for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, the 2021 Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule changes, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include an infographic on monoclonal antibody coverage, a revision to a Special Edition MLN Matters article on COVID-19 PHE flexibilities for rural health clinics, updated FAQs on billing for services related to COVID-19, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule, the Outpatient Prospective Payment System final rule, additional guidance on coding and billing for monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID-19, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include new guidance on hospital expansion opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic, revised guidance for ambulatory surgical center staffing during the pandemic, an interim final rule on payment for Part B drugs, and more!