February 10, 2015
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is about partial hospitalization psychiatric services claims. Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.

January 26, 2015
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is about Modifier -59 and –X {EPSU} modifiers. Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.

January 8, 2014
Medicare Insider

In the OPPS proposed rule, CMS had proposed to do away with the device to procedure and procedure to device edits. While this may seem like a provider friendly change, in fact, these edits have ensured that all costs, including the costs of all devices used, are billed by providers. This in turn ensures they are taken into account in rate setting, because CMS uses providers’ billed charges as a proxy for cost in setting future rates. Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.

January 2, 2014
Medicare Insider

CMS issues certain quarterly updates relating to hospital outpatient services.These updates are primarily issued in the form of two recurring update notification transmittals (RUN).The first of these is a quarterly update to the IOCE Specifications. The second is a quarterly update to the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS). Because the most significant outpatient hospital changes become effective as of the beginning of each calendar year, the January updates are particularly important.Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.

June 24, 2014
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is about modifier -59. Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.  

September 9, 2014
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is about related claims. Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.

December 16, 2014
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is about supervision levels at critical access and small rural hospitals. Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.  

December 9, 2014
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is about updates to the post-acute transfer policy. Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.

January 13, 2015
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is about Medicare bad debt reimbursement. Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.

September 2, 2014
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is about modifier 59 replacement codes. Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.
