February 19, 2016
News & Insights

CMS won’t release guidance on the payment impact of Section 603 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 until the 2017 OPPS proposed rule, but the American Hospital Association (AHA) has weighed in with a letter to Congress urging the government to reject further site-neutral payment policies.

February 16, 2016
News & Insights

Medicare continually seeks to expand access to certain basic health care services, particularly for beneficiaries located in remote areas of the country.

February 16, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s updates include identifying "No Documentation" medical necessity denials for claims flagged for Recovery Auditor review; Shared System Enhancement 2015 Analysis and Design HUOPCUT hospice period and Health Maintenance Organization processing; and more!

February 16, 2016
News & Insights

Q: If we're not using condition code W2 but we're billing on the type of bill (TOB) 121 after we received a denial, are we paid less than if the W2 would have been used?

February 12, 2016
News & Insights

The government may finally have to comply with its congressionally mandated deadlines for reviewing claims at the Administrative Law Judge level after a federal appeals court this week reversed a lower court’s dismissal of a lawsuit brought by hospitals.

February 9, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s updates include FY 2015 Report to Congress; expanding uses of Medicare data by qualified users; and more!

February 9, 2016
News & Insights

Q: Does the concurrence of the attending physician, that is required for condition code 44, need to be recorded by the attending physician, or can another practitioner write the concurrence

February 5, 2016
News & Insights

Q: Did something change with the observation services composite APC in 2016? The director of patient financial services says we no longer receive payment for it.

February 3, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is about modifier –PO and the Bipartisan Budget Act Section 603.
