March 8, 2016
News & Insights

Q. How is CMS made aware of the fact that a hospital is operating a provider-based department?

March 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

Our experts answer questions about Composite APCs, modifier –CT, and more.

March 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

This month's column is all about data--the importance of providers reporting accurate and complete data, as well as CMS having complete, accurate, and consistent data to compute future payment rates.

March 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

The CPT Manual divides drug administration services into three different categories:

  • Hydration (CPT codes 96360-96361)
  • Therapeutic, prophylactic, and diagnostic injections and infusions (96365-96379)
  • Chemotherapy and other highly complex drug or highly complex biologic agent administration (96401-96549)


March 1, 2016
Briefings on APCs

The 2016 CPT® code update may have been relatively small compared to previous years, but the urinary and genital system sections did receive numerous changes to align them with other sections of the code book.

March 2, 2016
News & Insights

by Kimberly Anderwood Hoy Baker, JD

March 2, 2016
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is about changes in the April quarterly OPPS update. 

February 26, 2016
News & Insights

Despite industry pushback and several delays, ICD-10 implementation has, against all odds, gone relatively smoothly for the vast majority of providers, leading CMS to tout its success in a recent blog post from Andy Slavitt, CMS’ acting administrator. 

March 1, 2016

Q: Can you self-deny a claim after you've already received Part A payment for it?

February 23, 2016
News & Insights

Q: How does TOB 131 bump against TOB 121 in regard to the 72-hour rule?
