CMS released a series of special edition articles applicable to chiropractic services on March 16. Medicare has a very limited coverage benefit for chiropractic services. This article will explain when treatment is covered and how to properly document medical necessity.
The healthcare industry got a five-year break from annual code updates for ICD codes as preparations for ICD-10 implementation took place, but the updates will be back this year and bigger than ever.
This week’s updates include July quarterly update to 2016 annual update of HCPCS codes used for SNF Consolidated Billing (CB) enforcement; updates to Pub. 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapters 4 and 5 to correct remittance advice messages; and more!
CMS proposed a test this week for a new Medicare Part B prescription drug plan that would replace its previous policy of paying physicians and outpatient hospital departments the average sales price (ASP) plus 6%.
CMS will require revenue code and HCPCS code reporting for rural health clinics starting April 1. CMS created more questions than answers during the recent Rural Health Open Door Forum call and in the guidance published in the last few months. This article will help sort through the issue.