This week’s Medicare updates include an OIG audit of payments for spinal facet joint denervation sessions, the January 2022 OPPS update transmittal, the January 2022 I/OCE update transmittal, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a correction notice for the FY 2022 IPPS final rule, changes to temporary flexibilities during the COVID-19 PHE, a data snapshot on telehealth utilization during the PHE, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates an OIG review of facility initiated discharges in nursing homes, an MLN fact sheet on Medicare coverage and documentation requirements for breast prostheses and supplies, a transmittal regarding implementation of the payment reduction for physical therapist assistant/occupational therapist assistant services, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include the 2022 Medicare Parts A&B premiums and deductibles, two advisory opinions, a proposed decision memo on an NCD for low dose CT screening, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include the repeal of the MCIT and Definition of “Reasonable and Necessary” Final Rule, updates to surveyors regarding clearing the backlog of surveys due to the COVID-19 PHE, an advisory opinion involving a pain management company, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include the Outpatient Prospective Payment System final rule, the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule, an Omnibus COVID-19 Vaccination interim final rule, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include the 2022 End-Stage Renal Disease Prospective Payment System Final Rule, a final decision memo on an NCD for transvenous (catheter) pulmonary embolectomy, a notice about provider enrollment application fees, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include the renewal of the COVID-19 PHE, the correction notice for the FY 2022 IPPS final rule, information on billing and coding for COVID-19 booster shots, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include changes to place of service (POS) codes for telehealth, updated information on the use of the KX modifier for CAR T-Cell therapy, the release of the 2022 Medicare Advantage and Part D star ratings, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a correction notice for the FY 2022 Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Prospective Payment System final rule, updated COVID-19 FAQs and guidance, an OIG review of Medicare payments for neurostimulator implantation surgeries, and more!