The implementation of an EHR is a multifaceted, comprehensive project for healthcare organizations. To avoid coding issues during EHR implementation and ensure discharged-not-final-coded is not adversely impacted, dedicated HIM focus and detailed project planning are paramount.
At the start of 2018, it’s time to take stock of billing compliance risks that may affect your organization in the new year and patch potential holes before they become a problem.
The National Association of Healthcare Revenue Integrity is currently seeking speakers to present at the 2018 Revenue Integrity Symposium, to be held October 16–17, 2018, in Litchfield Park, Arizona. Is that special person you or a colleague?
A recent OIG audit and report revealed that Medicare incorrectly paid approximately $1.7 million to Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, as a result of incorrect billing on the part of the medical center.
Hospital and health system revenue cycle vice presidents and directors will once again meet to —review these strategies and new ones at the 2018 HealthLeaders Media Revenue Cycle Exchange, March 21-23 at Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. To learn if you qualify for the invitation-only event, please contact
Our hospital is located in a rural location where it is difficult to find specialty physicians to provide services to its hospital outpatients. We are trying to determine which of our facilities that furnish services on or near the hospital campus would be excluded from provider-based requirements.
CMS' 340B FAQ reviews modifiers -JG (drug or biological acquired with 340B drug pricing program discount) and -TB (drug or biological acquired with 340B drug pricing program discount, reported for informational purposes) and requires 340B hospitals to report modifiers even on drugs that are not subject to the discount policy.