February 1, 2018
Briefings on APCs

A recent report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that almost 70% of Americans are considered overweight or obese. This epidemic costs American healthcare systems approximately $190 billion per year in treatment of weight-related conditions.

February 19, 2018
News & Insights

We are updating our charges in our RHC and we want to make sure we are capturing all of the preventive services that we can perform in our clinic. Along with that, we want to audit the documentation. Where can we find a list of RHC preventive services?

February 15, 2018
News & Insights

Revenue cycle leaders can fall into a trap of merely managing problems that pop up. But the danger with a “fix it” approach is that so many of the challenges in revenue cycle are connected. 

February 14, 2018
News & Insights

An OIG audit of the University of Michigan Health System revealed noncompliance with four types of inpatient claims, including those associated with billing of DRGs, and two types of outpatient claims, including those billed with modifier –59 (distinct procedural service).

February 1, 2018
Briefings on APCs

CMS' Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced model will qualify as an Advanced Alternative Payment Model under the Quality Payment Program and include outpatient episodes. 

February 12, 2018
News & Insights

What are some examples of hospital departments that do not furnish clinical services and would not be considered provider-based?

February 9, 2018
Case Management Monthly

CMS announced a new voluntary bundled payment model in January called Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI Advanced). Bundled payments, like the ones established by BPCI Advanced, are designed to act as a carrot for healthcare organizations by offering them financial incentives to improve patient outcomes, better coordinate patient care, and rein in spending

February 7, 2018
News & Insights

CMS recently released guidance on submitting claims and filing appeals as it rolls out its new Medicare cards. The new cards will replace the Health Insurance Claim Number, which is based on the beneficiary’s Social Security Number (SSN), with a Medicare Beneficiary Identifier that is not tied to the beneficiary’s SSN.

February 1, 2018
Briefings on APCs

The advancement of accurate and compliant coding efforts brings unique challenges.

February 28, 2018
HIM Briefings

CMS, the Veterans Health Administration, and some states measure our care quality based on risk-adjusted readmission rates after inpatient admissions. In fact, up to 3% of our hospital’s Medicare inpatient revenue (used to pay physician subsidies) is at risk if we don’t manage our patients’ readmissions in concert with Medicare’s algorithms.
