September 1, 2011
Case Management Monthly

When evaluating a family's ability, willingness, and availability to provide needed care to patients, discharge planners may become aware of scenarios that are not reasonable or safe for the patient.

September 1, 2011
Case Management Monthly

The Community-Based Care Transitions Program (CCTP), also known as Grant 3026, is mandated by Section 3026 of the Patient Protection andAffordable Care Act and provides funding to test models for improving care transitions for high-risk Medicare beneficiaries.

September 1, 2011
Case Management Monthly

Medical City Hospital (MHC) in Dallas asked its core measurement teams for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), pneumonia, and heart failure to develop readmission reduction processes for each condition.

August 1, 2011
Case Management Monthly

Starting October 2012, Medicare will begin paying hospitals for quality measures, according to a CMS fact sheet released April 29.

August 1, 2011
Case Management Monthly

Most facilities have a UR committee, but not all organizations have a fully functional UR committee.

August 1, 2011
Case Management Monthly

Hospitals may have a higher than expected readmission rate simply because they aren't properly billing cases that should be a leave of absence.

July 1, 2011
Case Management Monthly

From the Important Message from Medicare to the discharge instructions, case managers juggle a myriad of forms throughout a patient stay. CMS added another form to the list when it implemented the face-to-face encounter requirement for home health referrals.

July 1, 2011
Case Management Monthly

An interrupted stay occurs when a patient is discharged from a long-term acute care hospital (LTAC) for treatment and services that are not available in the LTAC and after a specific number of days away from the LTAC, is readmitted to the same LTAC for further medical treatment.

July 1, 2011
Case Management Monthly

We received more than 700 responses from case management professionals from all over the country. This article focuses on how case management professionals' credentials, experience, and education  affect salary.

June 1, 2011
Case Management Monthly

Facilities that feel they have a strong inpatient admission screening process but still have a high ­observation rate may need to look closely at their data.
