December 1, 2012
Case Management Monthly

Case managers often share a common problemcrushing caseloads.

December 1, 2012
Case Management Monthly

Why are healthcare organizations struggling to reduce readmissions?

December 1, 2012
Case Management Monthly

You're reviewing a case file and discover that a ­patient's recent readmission is due to a medication ­prescribing error made by a physician. Do you report it?

November 1, 2012
Case Management Monthly

A physician has recommended an excellent treatment plan for your patient. It looks good on all fronts. But there is one final question a good case manager should ask: Will the patient's insurance pay for it?

November 1, 2012
Case Management Monthly

It's fast, it's convenient, and it's on the rise. What is it?


November 1, 2012
Case Management Monthly

How many U.S. hospitals will face ­financial penalties associated with avoidable ­hospital ­readmissions in 2013?


November 1, 2012
Case Management Monthly

A major cause of preventable hospital readmissions is poor medication adherence by patients.


October 1, 2012
Case Management Monthly

Various types of certification are available for case managers, but one credential focuses on the specific skills needed in a hospital setting-Accredited Case ­Manager (ACM™) certification.

October 1, 2012
Case Management Monthly

You probably know that you should remain current with respect to research, and you know that you should use evidence-based practices on a daily basis.

October 1, 2012
Case Management Monthly

A trend in recent years encourages clinicians to adopt evidence-based practices to improve clinical outcomes, reduce errors, and control costs.
