This week’s Medicare updates include implementation information for the Making Care Primary model, the latest edition of the OIG’s Semiannual Report to Congress, and more!
This week’s Medicare updates include a psychotherapy for crisis Web page, a memorandum on Nursing Home Care Compare staffing and quality measures, and more!
Patients who receive enabling services are more likely to visit a health center, get a routine health checkup, receive a flu shot, and be satisfied with their medical care, according to a new study.
Positive case management outcomes are most commonly associated with offering high-intensity interventions and developing multidisciplinary care plans for high-need patients, according to a new study.
CMS issued a final rule last week reforming the discharge planning process for hospitals, critical access hospitals, and home health agencies that participate in Medicare and Medicaid.
Despite increasing recognition of the importance of the social determinants of health, only 24% of hospitals and 16% of physician offices in the U.S. screen for all five social needs prioritized by CMS, according to a new study.