August 1, 2012
Briefings on HIPAA

If you don't know where all of your PHI is, how can you ensure that you protect it?

August 1, 2012
Briefings on HIPAA

A compliance officer is responsible for providing leadership for a healthcare organization's compliance program, but this is not a job a compliance officer must do alone.

August 1, 2012
Briefings on HIPAA

You have questions; we have answers.

July 1, 2012
Briefings on HIPAA

Focus of OCR HIPAA auditors might surprise some healthcare organizations.

July 1, 2012
Briefings on HIPAA

Healthcare organizations face increasingly complex privacy and security issues as they cope with new technology, but many organizations are still struggling with the basics of establishing a compliance program. A natural place to begin is a code of conduct, and policies and procedures.

July 1, 2012
Briefings on HIPAA

The use of mobile devices, from laptop computers to smartphones, represents a dramatic trend in healthcare, and they pose an entirely new risk to PHI.

July 1, 2012
Briefings on HIPAA

Would your staff know how to respond in these situations? Use these scenarios to test their knowledge of HIPAA.

July 1, 2012
Briefings on HIPAA

Chris Apgar, CISSP, president of Apgar & Associates in Portland, Ore., answers questions about digital signatures and the HIPAA minimum necessary standard.

July 1, 2012
Briefings on HIPAA

Chris Apgar, CISSP, president of Apgar & Associates in Portland, Ore., discusses Agility Recovery's ReadySuiteTM.

July 1, 2012
Briefings on HIPAA

Learn how to protect privacy and security when participating in a health information exchange.
