Outsourcing some HIM functions is common at many organizations. The decision might initially be spurred by staffing shortages or budgetary concerns, but many outsourcing arrangements become long-term projects.
In the 2018 OPPS proposed rule, CMS proposed a change to the current clinical laboratory date-of-service policies for molecular pathology tests and for Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory Tests.
The specificity of ICD-10 ushered in a stronger focus on clinical coding audits. From internal reviews to external coding audits, healthcare organizations nationwide are revisiting tried-and-true audit practices with ICD-10 coding quality in mind.
Whether it is the CPT Manual or Chapter 12 of the Medicare Claims Processing Manual, the definition of a “new patient” is the same for physicians and nonphysician practitioners billing. But that doesn't mean coding and billing for E/M services is clear cut.
As CMS and third-party payers have looked for ways to treat patients in the outpatient setting and reduce inpatient volumes, CMS has used the 2-midnight rule, in addition to other methods, to treat patients as outpatients or in observation whenever possible.
Carolinas Healthcare System agreed to pay $6.5 million to settle allegations of a years-long practice of upcoding urine drug tests, the Office of Inspector General announced June 30.
The Joint Commission continues to provide excellent resources to help healthcare organizations stay ready for surveys, as well as resources that help them meet and understand the intent of standards and elements of performance.
CMS issued SE1609 to clarify long-standing policy concerning external infusion pumps. Apparently, both freestanding physician offices and outpatient hospital departments were treating external pumps as an item of durable medical equipment, even when the physician or hospital department set up the pump on the patient, supplied the drug, and programmed the infusion rate and dose into the pump.
When CMS introduced Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC) with risk-adjusted scores, Ochsner Health System began efforts to educate providers and improve documentation across its many facilities.
Accurate clinical documentation is the bedrock of the legal medical record, billing, and coding. It is also the most complex and vulnerable part of the revenue cycle.