Having a good lawyer often comes in handy. Having a lawyer who understands HIPAA and works well with your HIPAA compliance officers, though, is priceless.
Interventions to reduce length of stay for high-risk, medically complex, and otherwise vulnerable patients are falling short, according to a technical brief prepared for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Transcatheter arterial septostomy and transcatheter intracardiac shunt procedures are used to treat congenital cardiac diseases that restrict blood flow and atrial communication. Review documentation requirements and CPT coding for these minimally invasive surgeries.
ICD-10-CM coding for neuropathies can be challenging given the complexity of these diagnoses and associated complications. Demystify documentation requirements and ICD-10-CM coding for ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, migraine headaches, and paralysis.
In December 2020, CMS announced that it would begin a Review Choice Demonstration (RCD) for inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) services. The goal: to improve detection and identification of Medicare fraud related to these services.
In its July newsletter, OCR announced a collaboration with the HHS Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) to seek user feedback and improvement suggestions on its Security Risk Assessment (SRA) Tool.
Several CPT modifiers have similar definitions, which can make distinguishing between them challenging. Review guidance for the appropriate application of modifier -51 versus -59 and discontinued service modifiers -52, -53, -73, and -74.
CMS has reinstated the short-stay reviews and high-weighted DRG reviews originally halted in 2019. The national contract to conduct these reviews was awarded to Livanta, one of the Beneficiary & Family-Centered Care and Quality Improvement Organizations.
Review proposed updates to the CPT set for 2022, including new codes for chronic care management, laser interstitial thermal therapy, spinal anesthesia, and more.
Audits are ramping up across the country, creating additional headaches for many healthcare organizations as they simultaneously struggle with the delta variant of COVID-19.