June 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

Managing Recovery Auditor preparation, requests, ­denials, and appeals entails the work of many staff members across many departments.

May 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

Each year HCPro's Revenue Cycle ­Institute reports on the experience of providers related to the Recovery Audit Program. This article is adapted from the 2011 Recovery Auditor Benchmarking Report, released in early 2012 and includes additional comparisons of provider experiences since 2009.

February 1, 2012
HIM Briefings

Just when you thought you had your RAC processes in place, more changes appear on the horizon.

June 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

To take a proactive approach to the RAC process, you will need to assess your current level of financial risk. You can do this internally or with the help of external resources. There are many good risk evaluation software tools on the market for hospitals and health systems; there are also consultants who specialize in reviewing hospitals' claims for proper coding and documentation to assess overall compliance risk and make suggestions for corrections. Once you identify and quantify your risk, you can begin to take action to mitigate the impact of a RAC audit of past claims and to improve your systems to avoid being out of compliance in the future.

May 1, 2011
HIM Briefings

When Nancy Herr, RN, BSN, CCM, manager of utilization review at Liberty (MO) Hospital, started seeing an uptick in RAC audits late in 2010, she knew she needed a way to track activity and share it with others in her facility.

December 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

Signs are pointing to the fact that Medicaid RACs might not be the stuff of unicorns or Santa Claus.

December 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

You receive a RAC demand letter for repayment. But wait a minute before you pay up—you might want to take a close look to make sure your facility was really in the wrong. Karen Sagen, managed care leader at Bellin Health System in Green Bay, WI, who has worked in revenue cycle management for the past six years, has developed a step-by-step list of things to consider before pulling out your hospital’s checkbook.

November 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

In the past year or so, many hospitals have seen a dramatic rise in external audit activity from a multitude of contractors.

October 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

RACs are looking at excisional debridement coding, and it’s no wonder. There are plenty of potential traps for coders reporting these inpatient procedures.

September 1, 2010
HIM Briefings

According to a July HCPro survey of approximately 500 healthcare providers, 56% have already received medical record requests and 40% have had money recouped by a RAC.
