Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex condition that is a major source of readmissions at many hospitals, say Loretta Olsen, RN, MSN, the director of case management at Mercy Medical Center North Iowa in Mason City.
It may not be the proverbial keys to the kingdom, but OCR's recently published audit protocol for its current privacy and security audits gives healthcare organizations an inside look at the inspection process.
It's September-time to hit the books again and get back to school. If you're an aspiring HIM professional, that means learning about medical record retention.
Retain. Train. Assess. Investigate. Analyze. HIM professionals have undoubtedly come across action verbs like these since HHS announced on January 15, 2009, the final regulation to replace the ICD-9-CM code set with the more advanced ICD-10-CM code set currently used in other nations.