To comply with the HIPAA omnibus final rule, healthcare organizations need to revise their risk assessment process to determine whether they must notify affected individuals of a breach.
Who would have thought that buying gas with a credit card or wearing a pacemaker could leave a person's information exposed? Yet highly sophisticated credit card skimming devices at gas stations are stealing from consumers, and healthcare organizations are concerned about the potential for malicious tampering or the theft of PHI from wireless medical devices such as pacemakers. Hidden vulnerabilities lie in everyday activities like these, and some of those vulnerabilities can expose PHI and put healthcare organizations at risk.
Quality of care is a top priority for HHS, CMS, OIG, and DOJ. It also has always been an issue for state surveyors, state attorneys general, and Medicaid Fraud Control Units as they examine skilled nursing facilities. In fact, quality of care is now part of the OIG's annual Work Plan.