There's bad news for case managers that were hoping that the 2-midnight rule would go away. It's not?at least not in fiscal year (FY) 2015. In the 2015 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) final rule published August 22, CMS said while it may be willing to look into adjusting the payment methodology for the 2-midnight rule, the rule itself will stand.
Baylor Scott and White Health System (BSW) in Temple, Texas, has a new program in place to avoid this. Unlike many programs that just help patients schedule follow-up appointments with primary care physicians, the discharge team at this organization not only helps patients make follow-up appointments with physicians, but also with any specialists the patients need to see as well, including cardiologists, pulmonologists, or even follow-up radiology appointments.
There has been a fair amount of coverage on the documentation requirements needed to assign ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes. While changes in documentation requirements for pregnancy, coma, diabetes, fractures, and pressure ulcers are frequently cited, less information is available regarding the documentation requirements for procedures.
Imagine the information services department manager tells the HIM director he or she can't outsource transcription or receive reports directly in the EHR without a tremendous amount of manual intervention.
Perhaps it's because I reside in Chicago?home of both Oprah Winfrey and the American Health Information Management Association?but lately I have been thinking about "aha moments" for HIM professionals.
I have recently heard questions and discussion about the use of abbreviations within the medical record. With that in mind, this quarter's Joint Commission column will outline the requirements for abbreviations and provide guidance regarding the pros and cons of expanding the limited "do-not-use" list