News & Analysis

September 15, 2015
Medicare Insider

Update to hospice payment rates, cap, wage index and Pricer for FY 2016; State Operations Manual (SOM), Section 2185- HHAs, change of address to a MAC within 90 days; and more!

September 8, 2015
Medicare Insider

Medicare Compliance Review of Saint Luke's Hospital of Chesterfield for 2011 and 2012; Annual 2015-2016 season update for influenza vaccine payment allowances; and more!

September 3, 2015
Medicare Insider

Performant posts three new issue in two categories.

September 2, 2015
Medicare Insider

Connolly posts two new issues in two categories.

September 1, 2015
Briefings on HIPAA

Q: Is it permissible to write down a patient's pending exams (e.g., MRI, ultrasound) on the patient boards located by the patient's bed in his or her room even if that patient has a roommate?

September 1, 2015
Briefings on HIPAA

HIPAA originally recognized the business associate (BA) as a contractor of a covered entity (CE), but did not mandate direct accountability to the regulations. This put the onus on a CE to ensure, contractually, that its BAs met applicable requirements and supported their CE clients' compliance. When the Privacy and Security Rules first became effective, many CEs accepted BA contracts (BAC) (sometimes also called BA agreements [BAA]) from their BAs. Some BAs were actually quite adamant about having the CE sign their BAC. Although it was the obligation of a CE to initiated the BAC and the CE was liable under the law for compliance, in most cases, BAs offered a BAC that met the legal requirements and often looked like the model offered by HHS. If this was not the case or if either party wanted additional provisions, the CE and the BA negotiated a contract. No provisions required by HIPAA could be removed or changed, but other provisions could be added.
