Popular perception of teams and groups is marked by idioms such as “the more the merrier” and “two heads are better than one,” as well as the idea that the majority rule is the best approach.
On August 14, CMS published the FY2018 Inpatient Prospective Payment System Final Rule; with it came discussion and a notice in regards to the 96-hour certification requirement for critical access hospitals (CAH).
This week's Medicare updates include the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Final Rule; an update to Hospice Payment Rates; Proposed Changes to Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model; and more!
Resolving claims returned with National Correct Coding Initiative edits or Medically Unlikely Edits can be a time-consuming process. Organizations need processes to promote best practices and keep appeals on track, as well as coding and billing policies that address common front-end problems that lead to these edits.
You may find significant changes to E/M reporting in the near future, including a pivot away from two key elements — history and physical exam — that largely determine a given level of service for your most common patient encounters.
Use this sample form to create an inventory of all business associates, including contact information, services provided, the date the business associate agreement is signed, and the date it expires.