News & Analysis

June 1, 2018
Briefings on APCs

Our experts answer questions about reporting modifier -25 before a surgical procedure, querying for pressure ulcer stages, and more.

June 1, 2018
News & Insights

Q: If a patient comes into an outpatient facility for a surgical procedure and the physician evaluates the patient before performing the procedure, can you append modifier -25 to the E/M service?

June 1, 2018
Case Management Monthly

What happens when a patient who requires inpatient rehab care refuses transfer due to concerns about pets staying home alone? This complex case addresses the ways a case manager can handle these tricky situations. 

May 31, 2018
Medicare Insider

This week's note from the instructor digs into the details of the expanded Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program. The article is the first in a multi-part series covering all aspects of the initiative.

May 30, 2018
Medicare Insider

This week’s Medicare updates include corrections to the 2018 Quality Payment Program final rule, two OIG reviews on issues related to Round 2 of the Competitive Bidding Program, the quarterly update to Part B drug pricing files, and more! 

May 30, 2018
News & Insights

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has urged CMS to renew prior authorization programs slated to expire. The GAO made its case for continuing the programs in a report released in April, arguing that the programs reduced spending by nearly $2 billion since 2012.
