News & Analysis

November 16, 2018
News & Insights

Q: A nurse practitioner told a patient to return after an office visit if his chest pain worsened, and the provider ordered a nuclear stress test to take place the next day. Can my provider count the plan for the stress test in the medical decision-making for the previous encounter?

November 15, 2018
Medicare Insider

This week's note from the instructor reviews and offers recommendations on the top three patient status issues causing the most confusion for providers. 

November 15, 2018
News & Insights

Q: We have recently begun to alert patients about appointments via text message. What are some things we should know about remaining HIPAA-compliant through this process?

November 14, 2018
News & Insights

Q: Do you have any techniques or methods patients can use to manage their health after a hospital discharge?

November 14, 2018
News & Insights

Although most eligible clinicians who participated in the first reporting year of the Merit-based Incentive Payment System received a positive payment adjustment, even the highest performing clinicians saw only a modest bonus.

November 14, 2018
HIM Briefings

Match critical revenue cycle functions with the right metrics to track success and monitor opportunities for improvement.
