A large HIPAA breach settlement after a hospital system’s alleged failure to follow the feds’ suggested solution is a reminder that when it comes to enforcement, the government is holding all the cards.
Q: How do we bill for services when our utilization review (UR) team determines postdischarge that an inpatient admission was not medically necessary? Are these services billed as outpatient or inpatient?
Case manager discharge planners, get ready: Another challenge awaits us in 2020. Beside the new Medicare discharge planning rule, more changes were made to Medicare Advantage (MA) plans.
Q: We are finding that physician documentation is lacking for vaping-related lung injuries at our hospital, making it hard to report the condition accurately. What can our coding team do to remedy this situation, and how do we accurately report vaping-related lung injuries in ICD-10-CM?
This week's note from the instructor discusses the new appropriate use criteria reporting requirements for providers ordering advanced diagnostic imaging services in 2020.
This week’s Medicare updates include a new addition to the OIG work plan, the January edition of the Medicare Quarterly Compliance Newsletter, the January 2020 update to the Outpatient Prospective Payment System, and more!