Correct coding for diseases of the blood can be difficult due to the lack of official guidance and the complexity of diagnosis. Clear up confusion by taking a closer look at these codes.
Q: Telemedicine may not be the best fit for all patients. How can case managers help facilitate in-person visits for those patients that cannot engage in telemedicine visits?
Q: Acute respiratory failure is consistently one of our top denied diagnoses. We've tried to address common documentation errors through education but are still seeing issues. How can our CDI staff and coders create more effective queries for this condition?
Ever run into a vendor who claims to be a conduit versus a business associate (BA)? It happens all too often, in my experience. Here’s the problem: The conduit exception is a narrow one. If you’re storing protected health information (PHI), even encrypted PHI where you don’t have the encryption key, you’re a BA. Once you sign the business associate agreement (BAA), it applies to you.