News & Analysis

April 1, 2011
Case Management Monthly

Facilities that hold regular interdisciplinary care coordination rounds often say such meetings save time. However, the rounds can turn from time-savers to time-wasters if the matters discussed do not stay on topic or drag on.

April 1, 2011
Briefings on HIPAA

Here's one trend industry observers say healthcare organizations can expect to see now and in the future: heightened patient awareness and concern about the security of their private medical data.

April 1, 2011
Briefings on HIPAA

Organizations need to determine whether they have fully implemented the Security Rule. The HIPAA Security Rule has been around for a while, but many organizations have not implemented all of its ­requirements.

March 2, 2011
Case Management Monthly

CMS’ rules for properly applying condition code 44 are hard enough to understand, but when it comes to putting those rules into practice, things can get even more difficult.

March 2, 2011
Case Management Monthly

As patient advocates, case managers often need to question physician decisions that do not follow evidence-based criteria or that go against patient wishes.

March 2, 2011
Case Management Monthly

Observation services are a specific set of services provided to a patient while the physician decides whether to admit or discharge the patient. That means if a patient undergoes a procedure that requires “active monitoring,” he or she is not receiving observation services during the procedure. 
