CMS issues certain quarterly updates relating to hospital outpatient services.These updates are primarily issued in the form of two recurring update notification transmittals (RUN).The first of these is a quarterly update to the IOCE Specifications. The second is a quarterly update to the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS). Because the most significant outpatient hospital changes become effective as of the beginning of each calendar year, the January updates are particularly important.Click the link above for more information and an in-depth analysis.
The movement of large files is essential in the world of clinical trials, especially when it comes to transmitting images like MRIs and CT scans, which are important tools in clinical research.
Q . Are HIPAA policies and training required regardless of the number of employees at a facility? For example, must a three-provider clinic provide HIPAA training?
As we listen to the tick-tock of the clock, and we approach a pivotal year in healthcare that is sure to be full of impactful changes, I’ve put together a top 10 list of tasks to which you can devote that precious work time.