News & Analysis

June 1, 2014
Briefings on HIPAA

A look at encryption, breaches, and policies

June 1, 2014
HIM Briefings

HIM professionals must be flexible and willing to adapt to the ever-changing healthcare environment. Most people in HIM departments across the nation are focused on the emergence of EHR technology and what will happen with ICD-10, and rightly so. But the key to developing the policies and procedures that will help make any HIM initiative successful is health information governance.

June 1, 2014
Briefings on HIPAA

It's one of the most common questions privacy and security officers ask, and one I hear frequently myself: "How can I prepare for HIPAA compliance?"

June 1, 2014
Briefings on HIPAA

Tips from this month's issue

June 1, 2014
Case Management Monthly

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur after someone experiences, sees, or learns about a traumatic event (e.g., combat exposure, child sexual or physical abuse, terrorist attack, sexual/physical assault, serious accident, natural disaster). Most people experience some stress-related reactions after a traumatic event. A person whose reactions do not go away over time and disrupt his or her life may have PTSD.

June 1, 2014
Case Management Monthly

With new regulatory pressures and a changing political landscape, the world of case management is changing. One trend you may notice is an increase in the number of outside organizations, such as physician's offices, insurance companies, and postacute facilities that are hiring their own case managers to help manage patients. These individuals are often referred to as liaisons.
