News & Analysis

September 12, 2017
Medicare Web

Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers, a quality improvement program aimed at reducing hospitalizations and emergency department visits among nursing home patients, yielded little results, according to a JAMA Internal Medicine study.

September 11, 2017
Medicare Web

How should our facility handle patient registration after normal business hours?

September 11, 2017
Briefings on HIPAA

Systemic and known cybersecurity vulnerabilities put patients' safety at risk; despite that, cybersecurity gets little support from the C-suite, a federal task force found.

September 8, 2017
Medicare Web

Q: Our team had a recent case that involved a small midline episiotomy which extended to a second-degree laceration which was repaired with 3-0 vicryl rapide sutures. Would we code the episiotomy and repair or just the repair, and why? We are considering ICD-10-PCS code 0KQM0ZZ (Repair of the perineum muscle, open approach) and/or 0W8NXZZ (Division of the female perineum, external approach).

September 8, 2017
Case Management Monthly

CMS is thinking about scaling back its Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement model, a program that aimed to reduce costs related to the most common inpatient surgery for Medicare beneficiaries: hip and knee replacements.

September 8, 2017
Medicare Web

More than 400,000 implantable pacemakers must be evaluated and updated by providers.
