News & Analysis

October 27, 2017
Case Management Monthly

Tom, a 29-year-old, unemployed construction worker living on the East Coast, decides to drive on his own to the West Coast in hopes of finding a job. He avoids rest stops to decrease his total trip time. Halfway through his trip, he gets in a serious auto accident caused by another driver. The accident occurs in a state with mandated auto insurance.

October 27, 2017
Medicare Web

Q: How would you code documentation where the provider states the patient is in remission for alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence?

October 27, 2017
Medicare Web

A WannaCry variant took down a North Carolina-based health system's network.

October 27, 2017
Case Management Monthly

Length of stay (LOS) management requires ongoing attention from the director/manager of case management to stay on budget. Directors who divert their attention, even for a few weeks, might find themselves spending too much. To avoid this situation, consider implementing the six best practices for LOS maintenance.

October 26, 2017
Medicare Web

Q: Our state child support enforcement agency requested the medical records of one of our pediatric patients. Are we allowed to respond to this request without a subpoena?

October 26, 2017
Medicare Insider

This week’s note is the second in a series of articles examining coding, billing, and payment rules for rural health clinics.
